Digital Lens Evaluation OpenXR Plugin

The plugin demonstrates Almalence Digital Lens technology (DLVR), a solution enhancing visible image quality in head-mounted displays by computationally compensating optical aberrations. The DLVR plugin shows the image quality improvement with any OpenXR-compatible application. VarjoVR1-10degoff-AsIs.jpg,VarjoVR1-10degoff-DL.jpg The technology requires eye tracking, and the demo plugin supports the following devices: Pico 3 Neo Pro Eye HP Reverb […]

Augmented World Expo USA 2022

Meet us (it’s time to go spatial – so, in person!) at AWE USA on June 1-3, 2022. See our newest demos on some latest and greatest VR devices and hear a speech by Almalence CEO covering the latest advances in computational methods for achieving picture quality beyond the optical design limitations in head-mounted displays. […]

SID Display Week 2022

Almalence, a winner of SID Display Week 2021 Innovation Award, comes to Display Week 2022 with its Digital Lens technology demo on HP Reverb G2, and Pico 3 Neo Pro, some latest and greatest, highest-resolution VR displays. Contact us to book a meeting!

Next Generation of Human Eye Simulator Prevents Eye Tracker Failures

Almalence introduces the next generation of its Human Eye Simulator, now making the simulator look exactly like a human eye by completely eliminating the unwanted pupil reflections in the IR specter. A closer look at the evolution of how Almalence Human Eye Simulator looked like to the eye trackers in IR specter: First generation: In […]

Near-eye Display Optic Deficiencies and Ways to Overcome Them

Achieving high picture quality, optical fidelity, and natural visual experience is a challenge in near-eye display design. Learn: Why the conventional approaches do not work for near-eye display optical design; What specific methods exist, and why they are still fundamentally limited; How the computational optical correction techniques allow overcoming those limits. Read a comprehensive article […]

AWE Asia 2021

“Render it Real. Computational imaging to enable a breakthrough in achieving better visual experience in VR displays”. CEO Almalence is giving a speech at AWE Asia 2021 (Sep 27-28).

Super-Resolution Allows Doctors to See More with Smallest Cameras

The image quality of endoscopy cameras is fundamentally limited by the constrained camera size and the lighting is limited by the heat emission at the distal tip. This leads to the tradeoff between very low resolution with acceptably low noise and higher (but still low) resolution with a stronger noise level. Almalence Super-Resolution is a […]

Almalence wins an Award at 2021 SID Display Week with its Digital Lens technology!

Almalence is proud to be selected as an honoree at SID Display Week 2021 I-Zone for its Digital Lens technology, enabling high-resolution aberration-free picture, large eye box, and natural visual experience in VR head-mounted displays. Almalence has been selected as an honoree at SID Display Week 2021 I-Zone for its Digital Lens technology, enabling high-resolution aberration-free picture, large eye […]

Clear Machine Vision with Higher Resolution Picture

Almalence Super-Resolution improves image data, allowing the recognition algorithms to work robustly and confidently in harsh conditions. Machine vision strongly depends on the quality of input image data. Insufficient resolution due to long distance to the object, or high noise due to dim lighting drastically decrease the robustness of recognition, with the neural networks producing […]

Zoom Technology Missing from iPhone 11 Pro

Despite having a telephoto camera module, iPhone 11 Pro zoom is still far behind the top performers that use Super-Resolution Zoom. Zoom has recently become one of the most important features of smartphone cameras with the leading OEMs advertising their devices achieving high picture quality at sometimes crazy zoom levels. Like every high-end smartphone, iPhone […]

Google Super Resolution Zoom: Good Start but not There Yet

Our first testing of Google’s super-resolution zoom recently announced in Pixel 3 shows that it indeed can restore some image details, but is still behind the best in class solutions. Compared to the “normal” digital zoom, which is basically an upscaling plus edge enhancement, Google’s zoom reveals some details that are indistinguishable in the “normal” image: ex1-digital.png,ex1-google-right.png […]

Accurate Eye Imitation for VR/AR Display Testing

When it comes to VR/AR HMD objective testing, you need an “eye” which is much more than simply a digital camera. Besides having the entrance pupil, focal length, and aperture similar to those of a human eye to see as a human eye, the imitation must be properly perceived by the eye-tracking modules. Meet the […]

Almalence Joins Khronos Group

Almalence joins Khronos Group as an Associate member to contribute to the OpenXR standard and enable a seamless and effective architecture for eye-tracking-dependent image processing plugins in mixed reality devices. Almalence aims to make its Digital Lens technology, improving the apparent resolution in VR/AR head-mounted displays, available to the end-users in a form of an […]

Almalence in the Press

Forbes: This Imaging Software Startup Is Defining The Future Of Digital Cameras

Almalence is taking an innovative approach to actively disrupting the industry, using algorithms to improve photo quality at unprecedented speeds, setting the standard for how digital imagery is imagined for the future.

Forbes Recognizes Almalence as “Global Leader in Imaging Technology”

Here at Almalence, we are passionate about pushing the boundaries of imaging technologies and it is a great honor to be recognized for that work in this recent Forbes article. We are excited about what new boundaries we will push in 2017! Full article: This Imaging Software Startup Is Defining The Future Of Digital Cameras […]

Almalence Licenses SuperSensor Computational Imaging Technology to Intel

AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 18, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Almalence Inc., one of the world’s leaders in computational imaging, announces today that it is working closely with Intel to enable Almalence SuperSensor Technology on the Intel® Atom™ x3 processors. SuperSensor, the latest technology from Almalence is a pure computational software solution that helps improve the image quality […]

Almalence Receives Investment from Intel Capital

Funds will be used to develop next-generation imaging technologies AUSTIN, Texas, Aug. 31, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — Almalence Inc., one of the world’s leaders in computational imaging, announces today that it has received an investment from Intel Capital, Intel’s global investment organization. The funds will be used by Almalence to develop the next generation of mobile […]

Digital Lens for Better Picture Quality in VR/AR Displays

Having to achieve high resolution, wide field of view, and large eye-box, the VR/AR head-mounted display makers face the challenges impossible to overcome by hardware design alone. Even the latest and greatest head-mounted displays retain the common flaws spoiling user experience: blur and color fringing outside of the small “sweet spot,” picture quality degradation and […]

Almalence joins Embedded Vision Alliance

Almalence, Inc. today announced it has joined the  Embedded Vision Alliance, an industry group that brings together providers of the technology used to create practical applications of computer vision. Almalence is joining the alliance to propose its computational photography technologies aimed at imaging quality improvement beyond the physical limits of optical systems. Whether it is a […]

Oppo Smartphone Snaps 50MP Pictures (with 13MP Sensor)

Image Sensors World: Oppo Smartphone Snaps 50MP Pictures Engadget has had a chance to test Oppo Find 7 smartphone camera – a high end smartphone long rumored to feature 50MP sensor. Although it’s hard to tell for sure, but it looks like Oppo has licensed Almalence Super Zoom technology. There is a comparison of Almalence Superresolution Zoom with Sony Clear […]

Super Resolution with Nokia Lumia 1520. How pure can a Pureview be?

As Nokia made RAW format available in Lumia 1520, we took a chance to test Almalence Super Resolution technology with it. As Lumia 1520 always outputs 5 Megapixel image, the comparison has been made between: Standard image at maximal zoom (pixel-to-pixel crop from the sensor with no resampling) bicubically upsized 2x, and 5 Megapixel crop […]

Almalence Makes Super Resolution Work on Smartphones

Almalence, the developer of world’s first super resolution technology commercially available on desktop computers, announces that its solution becomes available in the most advanced smartphones in 2013. Super resolution is now used to provide high quality pictures at high zoom levels in Huawei’s flagship models Ascend P2 and Ascend P6, SHARP’s new devices and emerging […]

History: First Super-Resolution Zoom on Smartphone

Back in 2013, at the time when smartphone OEMs just started exploring advanced camera features, Huawei came up with nearly a disruptive innovation – SuperZoom. The feature compensated the lack of optical zoom in smartphones by applying Almalence Super-Resolution. Below are some examples taken at MWC 2013 where Huawei announced the first in the World […]

Almalence licenses HDR to Imagic

Imagic AG, an industry leader in digital image management systems for professional environments, has obtained a license to use Almalence HDR solution in its products. HDR functionality is much in demand in professional imaging areas such as microscopy, medicine, science and industry. Being a leading provider of image management systems, Imagic has been looking for […]

Smartphone Camera Zoom at its Best

Mobile camera zoom quality is one of the most difficult features to achieve due to hardware limitations, such as camera module size and barely possible optical zoom implementation. Almalence has successfully applied its SuperResolution technology to achieve best-in-the-class software enhancement of smartphone zoom quality. Devices powered by Almalence SuperResolution Zoom have been constantly getting the […]


High image resolution and low noise, beyond sensor pixel size and density. Pure software technology captures image details that could have only be caught with a bigger sensor with larger number of pixels and bigger pixel size.

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Almalence participates in major tradeshows, and industry and technology events, worldwide. Meet us, hear from us, check out our latest demos, and talk to the leading engineers and decision-makers at our company.

About Us

Global leader in computational imaging technologies

Industries and Applications

Smartphones, VR displays, medical, machine vision, laptops. Wherever the picture quality is fundamentally limited by imager, optics, or display constraints, Almalence technology achieves the quality beyond the limits, improving existing and enabling new usage scenarios.


Computational solutions to overcome imaging hardware limits. Sensor resolution, noise, optical aberrations – our technology achieves picture clarity beyond the capabilities of the imagers, optics, and displays.